Friday, October 17, 2008


Wow guys, its been FAR too long since I posted anything on here. I will try and do a quick recap and then include a bit of what I'm currently thinking theses days.

So I ended up buying my friend Caleen's car right before she moved to Korea. I was able to use the money I got from my car being totaled. I then began to look for a place to live in Portland. I was able to stay with my friend Linsey for the first month that I was here and then after that my friends Matt and Courtney invited me to live with them for September and October (which is quickly coming to a close). Initially I transferred both jobs (GAP and Starbucks) but I didn't get along well with my manager at GAP and Starbucks was giving me enough hours so now I'm just back to being a barista.

I'm finally beginning to feel settled back into Portland life. I am enjoying the friendships I have here and I have found a really good church. Evergreen Community  (I hope the link works for you who want to check it out). The weather here in the North West has definitely cooled off. Many days in the past few weeks the high has not even gotten into the 60's. We've not hit "the rainy season" yet which I'm thankful for. Today as I write this, outside its sunny and brisk. Something about the change of the season, about the cooler weather has helped me process this past year a bit more. What an adventure it's been. In-fact, I think I could say one theme (and the new one of my blog) the past eight years has been adventure. At this point tho, I am feeling the call to settle down a bit. To put down roots and just be. And this is not easy for me. I've moved 21 times in the past 8 years. And there are still so many adventures I hope to the nagging voice of settling is hard. I guess we'll see. I mean, I do think that eventually, and more-than-likely sooner than later I will need to put some roots down. To learn to really live in community. I guess the fear for me has always been (and in ways still is) that in doing staying in the same place (Portland/Boise) I will miss the other adventures. So I guess these are still just thoughts, just final conclusions yet.

Perhaps part of why I'm still not sure I want to completely settle down in Portland is my heart still beats for the Czech Republic. I still very much want to see if I could belong over there more permanently or if its really just a place that I need to pray for and perhaps visit occasionally but that I need to stay planted in the states. I don't hear a clear call yet either way. I just know that my Prague, and CZ have a very strong hold on my heart still. My friend and I went to a movie a few weeks ago and there was this shot of The Charles Bridge at sunrise and my heart began to beat and I nearly lost my breath...its what I imagine being in-love with somebody must feel like. I can't believe that after four years a few seconds worth of film of the Charles Bridge can affect me that way. So on October 28th Josiah Venture, who I've been to CZ with the three times I've been is having a meeting here in Portland to discuss what God's doing in CZ and in the other countries that JV is in. I am really excited for this evening. I am praying that I can leave with a little more direction. Will you join me in praying for this?

Well there's a bit of an update.  I will try and write more soon and to begin to write more consistently. I hope that this fall finds you well and that you too can take some time to reflect on the changes that have taken place in your life this past year and to see, in all the changes that God remains unchanging. That He alone stays the same.

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